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If you want to learn the secret to playing excellent violin like a famous soloist, and then play with orchestras until someone gives you a strand to play, you need to..

You are going to learn how to play Violin from a world renowned concert violinist. Eric Lewis is a master of the violin and one of the most incredible, successful teachers on earth.
ViolinMasterPro is here.
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Welcome to, the official site for Eric Lewis Violin instruction.
Here at ViolinMasterPro, the complete Eric Lewis method is available for beginners, intermediate and advanced players, as well as young players who have never picked up the instrument before.
Learn how to play sonatas, solos, concertos and more.
The Eric Lewis method is an incredibly complete solution to mastering the violin and is easy to apply. About the master himself: Eric Lewis has been teaching violin privately for over 40 years and  at institutions of higher learning everywhere he goes, enabling young violin players to for fill their violinistic dreams.
Prof. Lewis is the world renowned first violinist of the Prometheus Piano Quintet. Super easy to understand and apply right now
Play condenzas, sonatas and solos?

Play violin in a symphony, string quartet or piano trio?

Play violin at your friends wedding?

Start your own violin teaching business or get jobs as a violinist?

Play the music of the great masters.

Are you a beginner who wants to learn the basics and start playing pieces of music and your favorite songs?

Are you an experienced player who wants to expand their repetoire?

You might even want to develop new talents that will allow you to hear a piece of music and play it by musical memory without music, notes or hearing the music more than once.

ViolinMasterPro is truly a "one of a kind" violin learning system, and Ill tell you why:

You can apply the Eric Lewis method to Classical, Jazz, Rock, Country, Bluegrass and more. For the first time ever, Eric Lewis on video is available only through

ONE technique that any player can use to play ANY type of music on violin.
How to read music, play any piece of music or song with just a page of written notes. Unlike "other" teaching systems you will find that:

It is the most versatile violin teaching tool available online.

The Eric Lewis Method is the only system online that provides full documentation, Video downloads, resources and more all taught by a world class violin master.
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