Google+ Let You Know: Acai Berry helps your immune system and health

Acai Berry helps your immune system and health

19 Different Amino Acids – The Building Blocks Of Protein
Sometimes, you really have to marvel at the complexity of our bodies.
Every day, cells in our bodies wear out and die, and every day new cells are made that help keep the whole organism alive.  Your body is in a constant state of renewal, and when protein is needed, amino acids must help to supply it.
We need around 19 amino acids to maintain our bodies every day.  If amino acids from the diet are unavailable, the body will actually start to break down tissues that contain protein, such as muscle tissue.
Super fruits, in particular acai berry, are an excellent way to get some of these important protein-building amino acids into your body.
Acai berry actually contains 19 vital amino acids including Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids.  Nerves are what carry messages of all kinds through our bodies, but like every other part, will need regular replacement to function well.
Omega 3 fatty acids are great at building up nerve tissue, including the neural connections in the brain.  Acai berry supplies this amino acid, which can help to maintain mental sharpness, especially as we age.
Omega 6 amino acids are considered to not only be good for the skin generally, but might have some use in controlling autoimmune skin diseases like psoriasis.
This group of amino acids is also beneficial to the hair, and in controlling autoimmune diseases.
Acai berry supplies you with a sufficient amount of all the essential amino acids that can help you to maintain your health.  Adding acai berry can help make sure that you are able to benefit from these amino acids every day.
Acai Extract vs Freeze Dried
Both freeze dried supplements and extracts of acai berry are available, but there are several things to keep in mind when choosing.
Some companies use spray or heat drying, which renders the acai basically useless.
Freeze dried acai is usually put into capsules so that the natural goodness of the berry is preserved.  Acai extract is a completely different thing from freeze dried acai.
Rather than using the freeze drying process when making extracts, spray drying is the preferred method.  To make an acai extract, only one bit of the acai berry will be used; a product may contain amino acids, or antioxidants, but probably not both.
Any fillers take away more of the benefits that acai berry provides.
Freeze dried acai, on the other hand, contains everything that was found in the original berry.  This acai uses both the pulp and the skin to guarantee the maximum benefit.
By processing the acai berry through freeze drying within hours, you will know that all the nutrients are available to you, very little will be lost.
Besides products that have been produced by extraction or adulteration, some acai berry products are made with the entire berry, including the seed.  The acai seed makes up about 90% of the berry, only 10% is pulp and skin.
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