Google+ Let You Know: Sales objection rebuttals

Sales objection rebuttals

The $4,500 package includes (detailed list of benefits) ... THAT'S EVERYTHING, RIGHT? Fantastic. "Nice. — pick it up right now. The price is right."

These are killer closes! Continue reading! Bottom line: You'll close more deals with this Guide.

the Guide gives you about 50 different ways to close the sale--including 25 new school closing techniques.

The "good cop, bad cop" close
It's like having a top-gun sales guy looking over your shoulder, guiding you through the sale. 85 pages — over 17,000 words — of actionable money-making sales scripts painstakingly edited and assembled into an easy-to-use Guide.

Over 250 modern, intelligent and effective comebacks & rebuttals.

17 word-for-word closing "Power Statements."

25 astounding new-school closing techniques that ask for the sale.

6 budget data-mining questions for you to sniff out the money.

38 selling questions for you to isolate the objection.

A virtually unknown process to jump start word-of-mouth and obtain referrals, references and repeat business.

How to effectively use probes, clinchers, "trial closes" & tie-down questions.

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