Google+ Let You Know: The apple is the pomaceous fruit

The apple is the pomaceous fruit

Apple is the apple tree , in pome fruit Rosaceae ( Rosaceae ) species Malus domestica in . This is one of the most widely grown fruit , many of the most well-known member of the genus [ [ Begonia ] human use . Apple grow on small , deciduous tree .

Tree native to Central Asia , where its wild ancestor , [ [ sieversii ] , is still found today . Apple has grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and brought to North America by European colonists .

Apple has always existed in myth and many cultures , including Scandinavian , Greek and Christian religious tradition . In 2010, the fruits of the genome was decoded as part of the Centers for Disease Control and apple production breeding research.

There are more than 7,500 known varieties of apples , produce a series of desirable features. Different varieties of breeding a variety of flavors and uses, including cooking, fresh and cider production . General domestic apple grafting , although wild apples grow readily from seed . Trees are prone to a number of fungi , bacteria and pest problems, which can be controlled by a number of organic and non-organic means.

Nearly half of the approximately 69 million tons of apples grown worldwide in 2010 , while China's production of this total. The United States is the second largest producer of more than 6% of world production. Turkey is third , followed by Italy , India and Poland.

Apple is often eaten raw , but can also be in many foods ( especially desserts ) and drinks . Many health benefits from eating apples is considered to lead , however , the two forms of allergies are seen in a variety of proteins in the fruit . . Continue....

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