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How to create novel
Each book writing will tell you that you need to have a solid premise, or story ideas begin . They rarely tell you that this idea came from in the first place . This is a great cause of frustration and confusion for the beginning writers, and help create the myth that you either have a great story idea , or you do not. This confusion is the core belief in the wrong way, creating a solid story idea is an event rather than a process.
Beginning writers that create a fictional work begin with a single event - a sudden burst of inspiration , pop up a fully formed story ideas into their minds . This single event, and then expand that idea into a leading complete work process . The fact is that up a full , rich story idea itself is a process. Recognizing this , the key is to generate more ideas than you could ever use.
The idea is to generate the same secret "secret " to solve every problem of writing : writing itself . The old adage says : "Writers write" in many ways is true , and no more than the idea generation . Sitting in front of a blank page , and wait for inspiration to strike as a professional writer is not successful formula. Great ideas come from the act of writing .
However, if you have not this great story idea , then you write it ? As a writer, you will begin to collect these stories info , as you go through your daily life. Idea generation ( and general writing ) one of the keys is that you can quickly write . Our idea is not on the structural stress analysis story , not even to think about it as a story. Do you want the volume , diverse ideas , rich possibilities. You will be amazed at in your brain , just waiting to spill out on the page .
Collect all about info for story begins , and extend the core of this process is generating story ideas . As you explore your story, began to ask questions , and follow your answer , whether they lead . Do not try to force your ideas into a story. Keeping retail at , and continue to ask and answer questions .
I remember writing a lot . Volume is your friend . Ask a question , answer this question , repeat. Your brain is like regulation , involving a thing to another , doing interesting and surprising ways . By feeding your brain a fertile mountain , images, text and possibilities to work, trying to make sense of it all . This process is in great story ideas from the truth .
You may find yourself come up with the idea of multiple stories , based on the same initial gold. Great ! Choose one idea to work until it is completed. The pros and cons , said that they have more ideas than they might work for a lifetime, they do not show off ( well, maybe a little ) , it's just the process of working , an idea is always to create new ideas .
This is the story idea to a lifetime of secrets. Info collect stories from your everyday life , to expand their story to the fertile world , and then condense beautiful, rich story idea worth writing those worlds .
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