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Mentalism mind reading

Incredible Mind Reading Tricks!

The Secret Manual With The Ultimate Mind Reading & Mentalism Tricks The Pros Don't Want You To Know About Has Finally Been Released For a Limited Time Only!

I've been performing crazy mind reading tricks for years, but once upon a time I was just like you...

I wanted to know the real secrets of Mind Reading and Mentalism..

I used to watch in awe at the professional mind reading magic performers on TV. I wanted to discover the secret methods and impress people with the same sort of tricks they were doing. I learned complex NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques, I learned how to hypnotize people and I learned the art of using suggestion to 'read minds'.

These were the secrets the professionals claimed they were using, but after digging deeper, I found out to my horror that these were not the primary methods the pros used to perform jaw dropping mind reading tricks. after spending all my time learning the wrong things, I was gutted...

The real methods behind the mind reading magic tricks I so badly wanted to be able to do. Within Hours of Discovering The Secrets, I was able To Perform Amazing Mind Reading Tricks and Was Quickly Impressing My Friends..

My friends and family were stunned, they couldn't believe how I'd become an expert in mind reading in such a short space of time.

I would have saved years of time and a load of my hard earned cash.

I was shocked at how hard it was to discover the real secrets to the greatest tricks and the truth behind mind reading and mentalism.

A manual containing the real methods and secrets to the best tricks I'd found. I didn't want to include the lame tricks that cluttered the books I'd read, in the same sort of hard-to-understand language that filled their pages.

I also wanted to create a manual for complete novices who had never done a trick in their lives and for the professionals who were looking to take their magic to the next level and wanted to add incredible mind reading tricks to their arsenal.

I don't know how long I can make the manual available for, but due to 'outside pressure' I've received from the magic & mentalist community as a whole, I can't see it being available for very long at all..
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